


军事/资深服务 office provides advisory services relating to educational benefits to VA-eligible and DoD-eligible students planning to enroll or currently enrolled at OPE电子竞技官网.

许多老学生有资格享受不止一项福利. 在申请退伍军人教育福利之前, 建议学生致电531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619或发送电子邮件至退伍军人认证官员 OPE电子竞技官网Vets@indicatihal.net.



注意: Some branches of service offer tuition assistance and tuition reimbursement students can receive in conjunction with their VA benefits. 更多信息请咨询你们的军事教育办公室.

注意: 退伍军人事务部确定所有各种VA教育项目的最终资格.


如果可能的话, new students using military-connected education benefits should apply for benefits 30 to 60 days prior to the start of the quarter they plan to attend. 然而,申请可以在任何时间在本季度. 请保留一份申请验证页的副本,以便提交给OPE电子竞技官网退伍军人认证官员. 学生 who have attended other institutions must request official transcripts of credit earned at the institution(s) be sent directly to the Records Office for evaluation of prior credit into a current OPE电子竞技官网 program of study. Certain veterans and veterans’ dependents may be eligible for additional benefits which include work-study and tutorial services.

OPE电子竞技官网度, certificates and diplomas are submitted for approval by the State Approving Agency and Veterans Administration for use with military funding resources. 领取福利, 有资格的人必须在一个批准的学习计划,并有资格获得福利. 学生只能获得该项目所需课程的福利. 学生 are required to attend all classes for which they are registered and maintain satisfactory academic progress. 符合条件的学生通常会收到每月的支票, 由于上课时长和学习速度的不同,学费可能会有所不同.


如果学生使用与军事相关的教育福利,则改变学习计划, 放弃一门课程或退出所有课程, ……是学生的责任 通知退伍军人认证官员531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619. 在本季度的任何时候,课程都被取消了, 没有减轻情节, 会导致本季度第一天的超额付款吗. Mitigating circumstances are defined as unavoidable and unsuspected events that directly interfere with the pursuit of a course and are beyond the student's control.


所有接受蒙哥马利奖的学生 GI Bill®第30章或Selected Reserve第1606章 必须核实他们的登记每月收到付款. 这种验证可以通过使用Web自动注册验证来完成 (波) application on the GI Bill® 网站 or by using the automated telephone system at 1-877-823-2378 and following the prompts. 请使用您的社会安全号码进入WAVE或电话系统.

从2021年12月17日或之后开始的条款开始,所有 9/11后的GI法案® 获得MHA和/或kicker付款的学生需要每月核实入学情况. This is a Veteran Affairs requirement for Post 9/11 GI Bill® students to certify that they have remained enrolled in the same courses the OPE电子竞技官网 Veterans Certifying Official has previously certified for the quarter.

学生可以选择通过短信或电子邮件验证注册. VA强烈建议使用短信或电子邮件, 但如果这些选择都不可用, 学生可以拨打教育呼叫中心(ECC) 1-888-GIBILL-1(1-888-442-4551)核实入学情况. 请注意,致电投诉投诉中心可能会导致较长的等待时间. All impacted students with a US mobile phone number on file should receive an opt-in text message after being enrolled in courses. 学生必须在14天内回复该文本. 选择加入后,只需每个月回复VA的短信来验证注册. 如果您选择退出文本消息验证或不响应选择加入文本, 您将自动注册电子邮件验证,电子邮件地址已在VA存档. 如果您没有收到短信, 需要通过电话验证您的注册, 选择文本验证, 或者注册电子邮件验证, 您可以拨打教育呼叫中心(ECC) 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

如果您未能提交注册验证 连续两个月,您的MHA/kicker付款将被扣留,直到您验证您的注册. 例如, 如果你的任期是1月1日, 2022年1月和2月,您没有验证您的注册, 2022年3月的付款将被搁置.

更多信息,请访问 VA ch33注册验证网页


学生 using VA benefits are required to have all military credit and previous college course work evaluated toward their current OPE电子竞技官网 program. 此评估将包括在认可的教育机构修过的所有课程, 即使课程不是由退伍军人管理局支付的. An official military transcript and academic transcript(s) from all prior schools should be sent to the OPE电子竞技官网's Records Office for this evaluation.


要提交以前的学院或大学的成绩单,请访问OPE电子竞技官网 提交成绩单 提交地址及电邮的网页.


世纪挑战集团寻求给予军事训练和经验尽可能多的信用. 提交军事成绩单的军事学生最多可获得3分.体育教育(PHED)基础训练5学分. Additional credit hours may be awarded for military training and experience as recommended by the American Council on Education.
有些因素可能会限制接受的学分数量, 包括部门认证和项目具体要求. Credits not transferred as a specific class at OPE电子竞技官网 may be applied to either the major or general education requirements as undefined electives. Veterans and military students pursuing specialized programs that have very few or no electives may find that they receive limited credits from their military experience.
Documents eligible for transcript evaluation can include CCAF Transcript (社区 College of the Air Force), 律政司司长(联合事务纪录), 以及其他显示军事经验的官方文件. 此外,OPE电子竞技官网接受DSST (DANTES)和CLEP分数.
使用军事学分从世纪挑战集团转到另一个机构取决于一些因素, 包括该机构是否与世纪挑战集团有转帐协议. 接受转学课程的院校决定是否授予转学学分. 军事 students should evaluate their transfer options carefully in consultation with the receiving institution. 有关军事转移学分的更多信息,请联系世纪挑战集团 退伍军人中心.


陆军,海岸警卫队,海军陆战队和海军:现役,预备役和退伍军人. 服务人员和退伍军人可以通过访问国防部订购联合服务成绩单 联合服务记录(JST)网站.


Air Force service members and veterans are eligible to receive a 社区 College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript documenting earned credit. 服务人员和退伍军人可以通过访问 CCAF成绩单 网站.


如果学生意外地被要求现役(部署,TAD等).),学生应立即联络学院安排住宿. 学生应向MVS提供一份军令副本. MVS will work with the student to facilitate solutions that will not result in student debt for returned portions of educational benefit funds and will provide opportunity to re-take or complete coursework. 课程解决方案可能包括:

A. “I”级. 根据OPE电子竞技官网的目录,“I”等级是在情有可原的情况下颁发的. 学生可以延长时间来完成课程目标. “I”等级的分配是教师的特权,颁发给学生, 谁已经完成了大部分(至少60%)的课程要求, 由于异常或情有可原的情况而无法完成剩余的工作. “I”级 must be made up no later than 11 months after the end of the quarter in which the "I" grade was issued or it becomes an F. 在颁发不完整等级之前, the instructor and the student meet to discuss a timeline for completing the remaining assignments and/or tests in order for the student to earn a quality letter grade. 老师给学生发一封电子邮件, 并复制相应的学术院长, 确认剩余工作的截止日期. (不计算平均绩点)

B. If the call to service occurs at a point in the term where the student has completed enough work to be issued a grade, 课程的成绩将根据完成的进度而定.

C. 学生可以从学院退学, 退伍军人事务部和国防部认为意外召唤现役是一种缓解情况.


符合2018年退伍军人福利和过渡法案, 第38编第3679条, 美国法典, 第103节, Metropolitan 社区 College will not impose any penalties due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U.S. 退伍军人事务部关于退伍军人事务部第31章和第33章福利的接受者. Metropolitan 社区 College will permit any covered individual to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides Metropolitan 社区 College a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33, and ending on the earlier of the following dates: 1) 的 date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution or 2) 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the COE (Certificate of Eligibility).

另外, OPE电子竞技官网不要求受保学生额外贷款, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to OPE电子竞技官网 due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs under chapter 31 or 33. 受保个人是指根据第31章有权获得教育援助的任何个人, 职业康复, 或者第33章, 9/11后退伍军人法案®福利, 并已通过学校官方认证为符合福利资格. 这一要求仅限于VA支付的部分资金.


的 军事/资深服务 staff are always willing to meet with you personally to help you achieve your educational objectives. 和你一起工作, 退伍军人事务部, 和/或国防部, 我们将尽最大努力回答您的问题,并帮助您实现您的教育目标.




OPE电子竞技官网军事/退伍军人服务- 531-OPE电子竞技官网-4619
弗吉尼亚州内布拉斯加州地区办事处- 888-442-4551


军事/资深服务 -爱德华贝比戈麦斯大道2909号. (30街和L街),连接器大厦.
星期一至星期四 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
星期五, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
